Hanging Baskets for Healthcare Heroes

Hanging Baskets for Healthcare Heroes

BROWNSBURG LANDSCAPE TO DONATE HANGING BASKETS TO HEALTHCARE HEROES  BROWNSBURG, Ind. – In celebration of National Nurses Week, and to recognize the hardworking women and men on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis, Brownsburg Landscape will deliver 500 hanging...
Importance of a Fall Lawn Aeration

Importance of a Fall Lawn Aeration

Over the course of a summer, your lawn takes a beating from normal activities like mowing, kids playing on it, and walking on it—even raindrops and watering your lawn take a toll.  This normal activity causes the soil to compact, which limits the space for roots to...
The Silent Tree Killer: Compaction

The Silent Tree Killer: Compaction

Most tree issues are relatively easy to diagnose, specifically when it comes to insects or diseases attacking the leaves or branches – or any problems with the above ground part of the tree. When it comes to diagnosing issues below ground, where the roots are...
5 Tips to Buying and Planting a Tree in Indiana this Fall

5 Tips to Buying and Planting a Tree in Indiana this Fall

Contrary to what you might think, the benefits of planting a tree in the Fall outweigh those of planting in the Spring. While you’re not going to see any growth during winter months, planting a tree in the Fall allows the root system to establish before going dormant...